Cimarron Engineering
At Cimarron Engineering we provide our clients with engineered solutions for your structural engineering and wastewater project needs.
By Markdstump - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=75037403
Our Services
Cimarron engineering specializes in residential and small commercial structural design projects. Utilizing industry standards, well accepted practices and designs, we will work with our clients to provide efficient and cost effective structural designs.
Cimarron Engineering is NAWT certified to provide OWTS designs (Septic System Designs). Using a wide variety of solutions individual on-site waster water treatment systems are designed using effective and cost efficient designs.

Jonathan Batson, P.E. is a Colorado registered professional engineer and owner of Cimarron Engineering. Mr. Batson is a U.S. Army veteran that graduated from the University of Missouri - Columbia with a B.S. in Civil Engineering.
Mr. Batson grew up in Southeast Missouri where his father owned and operated a residential construction company. The values and knowledge Mr. Batson gained from helping his father build homes throughout his childhood and early adulthood have been invaluable to his career.
Since graduating college Mr. Batson has worked with an oil and gas consulting firm providing detailed engineering solutions for over a decade.
Cimarron Engineering currently provides engineering for residential and small commercial projects for the greater western slope areas including but not limited to: Delta, Montrose, Ridgway, Ouray, Silverton, and Telluride areas.
Mr. Batson and his family of four enjoys the recreational opportunities that the Western Slope of Colorado provides including skiing and mountain biking with his family.
Contact Us
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you are looking to discuss a future project or needing a proposal for our services.
(970) 316-0454
PO Box 1421
Ridgway, CO 81432